Crypto News

 Indonesia making moves to become the Crypto Capital of Asia

Regulations, exchanges and massive adoption of crypto assets with an enormous growth in Blockchain and Crypto projects is solidifying Indonesia’s position as the crypto capital of Asia.


Crypto has won the hearts of the world’s largest Island country. Crypto transactions have grown manyfold in the last few years. According to the ministry of trade, transactions for crypto grow from $.1 billion in 2020 to $59.83 billion in 2021.

According to Triple A website, crypto assets have gained traction in Indonesia. Nearly 30 million Indonesians own crypto and there is a marked increase in use of Bitcoin too.

Reasons for massive crypto adoption in Indonesia

Indonesia is fourth most populous country of the world. However, according to data only 4% of the population is buying or selling crypto. Hence there is lot of space for future growth. Indonesia is making moves to become the crypto capital of Asia by providing regulatory support. Some of the reasons for massive crypto adoption in Indonesia are –

Regulatory Framework and Support – Indonesia has regulated crypto trading since 2019. Companies are allowed to buy/sell crypto assets as commodities. And this trading is regulated by Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (BAPPEBTI), a body under the Ministry of Trade. Thereby they made crypto better regulated as this body is in charge of vetting documents. They approve companies and commodities that can be traded in Indonesia. Their whitelist of permitted tokens consists only 299 crypto assets as of 2021.

Tokens are allowed after through vetting procedure. The procedure includes market cap, security check, background checks of management team, project viability, road map etc.

Also, the Financial Service Authority has prohibited lending or marketing of crypto by financial service companies. All crypto exchanges must be registered with FSA and comply BAPPEBTIs regulations.

Easy Access – Indonesia currently has 17 registered crypto exchanges. The top crypto exchange, IndoDax has a user base of 5 million members in 2022. All the exchanges and other platforms give users the ease of access through mobile apps and easily accessible platforms. Moreover, Indonesia has taken lot of proactive steps for crypto assets adoption and this is the reason for increasing penetration of crypto assets.

Rising Tech interest in Crypto – Local tech giants of Indonesia are entering the world of digital assets to capitalize on this growing popularity. Indonesia’s largest telecom company Telkom Indonesia has started venture capital arm known as MDI ventures to develop crypto exchange and other projects. MDI is $830 million VC including financial technology leaders Kredivo and KoinWorks.

What is next for Indonesia?

The crypto market will get only bigger in the coming years. A clear regulatory framework and good business opportunities have made Indonesia a hot bed for crypto world. NFTs are the latest on the scene there will massive investments and projects going on. Recently a computer science student made news after selling NFT selfies of over $1 million. It is slowly emerging to become the Crypto Capital of Asia.


2 thoughts on “ Indonesia making moves to become the Crypto Capital of Asia

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