Crypto News

Instagram NFTs are here, Creators can now show their NFTs easily

Instagram is stepping into the world of NFTs with the launch of new in-app NFT integration.

Meta’s Plan to create Instagram NFT Marketplace

Facebook rebranded itself as Meta last year with the focus to bring the Metaverse to social media. The aim is to create the Metaverse where people can connect, communities and business grow and improved social connectivity too.

Although Metaverse is still in development phase, there was another announcement that Meta is planning to create an NFT Marketplace. When it will be here is not clear. However, Instagram NFTs are here. The creators can now show NFTs that they have created or bought. They can also share these NFTs in Instagram feeds, stories or messages.

With Twitter way ahead in NFT integration and verification through hexagon-shaped profile pictures, NFTs at Instagram was long overdue.

Digital Collectibles on Instagram

According to Instagram head, Adam Mosseri, the testing phase will start with few selected creators in United States. Currently there is no fees or charges for posting or sharing NFTs on Instagram. Creators can showcase their NFTs, created by them or purchased, on their feeds or stories. This initial testing would decide the future course as the company plans to roll-out more features depending on the success of this phase.

How to integrate NFTs with the Instagram Account

In a multi-step process, you can connect your social account with decentralized platform and showcase your NFT.

  1. Connecting account to Private Wallet – Currently integration is only allowed with selected third-party Wallets such as Rainbow, MetaMask and Trust Wallet. Later on, they plan to add Coinbase, Dapper and Phantom too.
  2. Selecting & Sharing NFT – After connecting wallet, creators can choose NFTs to share with followers. The supported Blockchains for showcasing NFTs are Ethereum and Polygon currently. Support for Flow and Solana Blockchains will be implemented in next phase.
  3. Authenticity Tagging – When you post a NFT it will be automatically tagged with the name of the creator or owner. This is to ensure authenticity of NFTs and remove the ‘right-click’ image copy issues.

NFTs are displayed as a shimmer visual so as to differentiate them from regular posts. Another feature is that they are labeled as ‘Digital Collectible’. The digital collectibles will have the metadata containing owner/creator info, short-description of NFT and support blockchain name too.

Mark Zuckerberg announced about this Instagram NFTs rollout in a Facebook post. He also said that after Instagram, NFTs will be coming on Facebook too.

The Growth of NFT Space through Instagram

Considering the huge numbers of users and thousands of NFT creators and collectors, Instagram can prove to be a hub for NFT enthusiasts. This is a platform where creators can showcase their talent easily and monetize their efforts too. Various NFT influencers have already planned out on utilizing this new feature. They plan on creating, sharing as well as supporting other small-time creators to help them come up in the crypto world.

Whether we will see a wave of new up-and-coming artists or the area would still be dominated by established influencers is still unknown. We will know about the impact only after the full roll-out of the digital collective feature. However, this is a great move for creators across all industries. Artists, musicians, composers, painters, photographers can now access this new world through Instagram NFTs. Therefore, get ready to enjoy a new world as Instagram NFTs are here.