Crypto News

Last Week on Crypto Twitter: What Has Crypto Achieved For Humanity?

Whose Threads Are a Must-Read?

One thing crypto has definitely achieved is to intensify people’s FOMO about “making it.” If you don’t

own a Lambo, are you even trying at this point?

DeFiIgnas put together a guide for building generational wealth with crypto. Spoiler alert, you need three cycles to make it:

Ignas says now is the time to research and prepare for the big bull run in a year or two. Fire up your chatbots and get researchin’.

Crypto’s biggest achievement, the invention of Bitcoin, is already a few years in the past.

Well, we can buy Bitcoin with MetaMask now. Here’s how:

Bitcoin maxis on life support after seeing this thread. But you know the rules: if it’s possible in crypto, someone will do it.

Another milestone crypto can book for itself is giving us some of the dumbest and most shallow speculation bubbles in history. Anyone still remember carbon credits on the blockchain? Hey, we were just in the arena trying things.

The judge is still out on whether will make the hall-of-fame of crypto bubbles. Here’s a mega-thread summarizing the bull and bear case for FT:

TLDR: the app has found product-market fit, but in a very narrow circle of individuals, known as Crypto Twitter. Will this model be scalable? Well…

Maybe you should just try it for yourself. Like Aylo, who’s been using every day for the last four weeks (his words). Talk about pain tolerance. His deep dive on FT is here:

But maybe we shouldn’t be asking what crypto can do for us, but what we can do for crypto. No wait. Not like that.

Maybe we should be asking what crypto will achieve in the future. Cause while American lawmakers are quite hostile to crypto, that’s not the case everywhere around the world. Check out this thread about how non-US regions are embracing crypto:

TLDR: the rest of the world isn’t sleeping on crypto, so neither should the US.

Wisdom of the Week

If you want to achieve big things in crypto, best stick to this gameplan:

Who Is Arguing in Way Too Public a Place?

The drama section made a big comeback this week, courtesy of ZachXBT:

Crypto Twitter at its best!

If the wisest person on your team is a duck, is that good or bad?

Talk of the Town

Let’s check the talk of the town this week for crypto achievements. How about…Bitcoin as a medium of exchange?

Nope. Definitely not the right place to look.

How about…enabling people to launch their own investment vehicles? Sounds like the most egalitarian thing ever, right?

Wrong. Or maybe it does work if you double-check your code with ChatGPT before launching:

Maybe we are onto something here. Maybe launching shitcoins is crypto’s big achievement. If only there was someone that is a pro in shitcoin launching that could serve as a proof of concept.

Wait. There is. Was. FTX had a ton of shitcoins on their books. But soon they won’t:

So shitcoining is maybe not the best example either.

Running out of ideas here. Maybe crypto’s big breakthrough moment is still to come. At least the guys at Token2049, the big crypto conference in Singapore, seem to be having a great time and positive vibes for the future:

Then it’s settled. Crypto’s big achievement: that it can still achieve so many things!

Truly the future of finance.


If less than 99% of your net worth are in the hands of this guy, you are doing it wrong:Never change, crypto. At least not till next week.See you then!