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Walmart is entering Meta-verse – let’s see its features and their impact

What is Walmart?

Walmart is a retail chain dealing in retail products at the price of the wholesale market, making it popular among small shopkeepers, families, and small enterprises.

Let’s see how Walmart is  entering Meta-verse

In the coming time, Walmart is organizing a Halloween sale in the meta-verse. The sale is organized before the Halloween season when people can participate using virtual reality.

The target audience for the activity is the young generation. It is termed Walmart land and the event is named as World of Fun Known.

How the activity is going to work?

This whole event is launched using the online gaming platform ROADBLOCK.

People can enter using their virtual reality headsets. Where they can buy their Avatar skins, clothes, and other accessories. People can compete, enjoy and win.

Walmart is entering Metaverse -

The long-term impact of this event –

For any wholesale store, this is a whole new opportunity and platform to earn money and engage with people in a way that differs from previous traditional formats of engagement like any event, sale, or new launching or activity in the store. Where people used to walk in the store and see the activity, enjoy and can spend if they want to.

But in this event people can participate from their homes or comfort zones. They don’t have to step out, they can just wear their headsets, and enter the gaming zone.

As every coin has two faces so does this activity. Now if focusing on some specific points we can conclude it under the category of Aids and its disadvantages.

Aids of this New Era –

  • More engaging and interactive than earlier modes of pulling the customer’s footfall.
  • New technological advancement leads to better customer experience and helps them choose better.
  • Marketers are becoming more and more evolved in knowing how to pull the customer base rather them pushing them to buy.
  • Customers can get better offers and products of their interests.

Disadvantages can be expected as –

  • People will buy these virtual products & accessories using real money,
  • This activity is blurring the line between entertainment and commerce.
  • Kids can lose privacy or may take irrational financial decisions.
  • These product stays in the meta-verse only they cannot be transferral or used anywhere else.
  • Kids may get addicted and this activity can become a regular habit.

If looking forward to this new meta age, where more than half f the world exists in virtual reality, starting from gaming to retail stores, this initiative can be taken as a new ray in the traditional shopping world. But every activity has some positives and negatives.

Thus Walmart entering Meta-verse can unfold multiple opportunities but also it may lead to some unwanted thereat and factors involving security concerns and reasonable decision-making of the youth.