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10 Doubts About Crypto You Must Clarify

Crypto still stands out in its babyhood and is widely misread, extending rise to so many doubts being spread around them.

This blog focuses on shedding light on the facts behind the fundamental doubts around cryptos and tries to extend the subject with an objective overview.

Let’s delve into the post to perceive them simply and smoothly!

  1. Blockchain and Bitcoin is same
  • Due to the far better popularization of Bitcoin in comparison with its root technology viz. blockchain, people get confused between the two.
  • Well, blockchain allows peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions to be stored on a distributed ledger across the network.
  • While Bitcoin is a crypto-asset that can be exchanged directly between two entities without passing by means of a third party such as a bank.
  1. Crypto Data OnBlockchain Activity Isn’t Publicly Accessible
  • One of the very general doubts in crypto world is that blockchain technology is themistake that it’s not open.
  • Most of the blockchain activitiescan rather be tracked, contrary to a common faith.
  • In addition to this, no hidden secrets are available there to blockchain and no dark criminology linked with its activities.
  1. Crypto Transactions Are Anonymous
  • There are many people who are under the false supposition that all crypto transactions are anonymous.
  • Well, to clear your doubt, blockchain technologyis a public ledger that helps in tracking how much was sent from one address to another.
  • There are several government institutions that have built associations with some notable cum big exchanges to attain the mapping of the address to the owner.
  1. Crypto Will Change Everything In Business Transactions
  • The root technology behind Crypto, that is to say, Blockchainoften gets positioned as a technology that will adapt how businesses store and manage their transactions.
  • As contrasted with the current methods, it’s actually an additional process deeper, tough to scale, and takes extra time to verify and confirm the transactions.
  • For the purpose of security, it is most helpful if there is a requirement for a secure verification and immutability of transaction records. Else, use cases are bounded.
  1. Cryptos Are Unstable, So Blockchain Must Not Be Trustworthy
  • A general doubt about cryptoseems to come from those who link the volatility of cryptos with the reliability of blockchain technology.
  • Blockchain has a lot of applications besides cryptos and will likely be more of a game-changer in the longterm.
  • As with the majority of early technologies, the commencing usage cases, interfaces, and content are exaggerated but the essential technologies are belittled.
  1. CryptosFacilitate Criminals Significantly
  • It’s a real fact that decentralization and anonymity are particularly nice features for criminals, but the greater fact is that they’re also great features for law-abiding citizens who are in financially or politically volatile surroundings.
  • If you are not able to believe local banking institutions with your money thanks to corruption, or if your nation holds the possibility of undermining, it’s possibly theoptimal site to retain your money.
  1. Blockchain in Crypto Functions Just As A Storage System
  • Another doubt that some people come across about crypto thanks to its root technology – blockchain is that they consider it as a storage system.
  • Well, in crypto, besides just a storage mechanism, its advantage comes when it is taken into usage as an exchange, with each transaction engaging a minimum of 2 parties – one to extend and one to accept.
  1. Crypto And Blockchain Are For FinTech People Only
  • Considering more widespread entities like Square are using these technologies, the fear of the unidentified for the average users will facilitate the usage.
  • The average user has a nominal understanding of Cryptoor even blockchain,thus, shying away from it.
  • People have faith in Square, thus, the common public will start trusting these technologies too.
  1. Tokens And Coins Are Same
  • Blockchain carries tokens and initial coin offerings (ICO). The difference has to be understood simply. So, basically, coins hold only a single utility,that is to say, they act as anuncomplicated store of value.
  • Whereas, tokens can hold complicated levels of value such as property, utility, income, and exchangeability.
  • We’ll have to grab your attention here that when we say property, it may refer to real estate transactions or intellectual property. Thus, tokens can attain commodities or loyalty points.
  1. Crypto Is Different From Other Currencies


  • There’s been a notable hype across crypto and its fundamental technology. We are required to perceive and ask ourselves: What is the fundamental of a currency?
  • We’ll make it easy by answering you here, so basically, a currency is a unit of measure and a means we communicate value.
  • Now, what asset structures the backbone of the value for this new Crypto? Are smart contracts written in a way to sufficiently catch future appreciation of this crypto-asset?

Final Words

To conclude, there is nothing to come across some sort of doubts when it comes to crypto. All you need to understand is that crypto is more of an asset than a currency and a notable cum common means of exchanging things with potentially.

Moreover, PlatinX stands out to be the future’s digital asset. To be part of the world’s fastest developing community in every manner, register here!